为大 家带来早安问候的十句中英文 对照句子,让每个新的 一天都开始于温馨的问候。
1. 早安,新的一天又开始啦。Good morning, a new day has begun.
2. 醒来的第一句话要说早安哦。The first thing you say when you wake up is "good morning".
3. 早上好,今天要开心哦。Good morning, today is going to be a happy day.
4. 祝你一天都充满阳光。Wishing you a day filled with sunshine.
5. 告诉你一个 秘密,早上起床后多跟自己说句早安,会让你觉得很棒哦。I'll let you in on a secret, saying "good morning" to yourself in the morning will make you feel great.
6. 早安,上帝会保佑你。Good morning, God bless you.
7. 只要有 感恩的心,每天都是 美好的。With a grateful heart, every day is beautiful.
8. 睡得好的人,醒来也会更美丽。People who sleep well wake up more beautiful.
9. 开心的事情每天都有,早上醒来,要憧憬美好的一天。There are happy things every day, when you wake up in the morning, look forward to a great day.
10. 祝你今天的一切都能够顺心如意。Wishing you everything goes well today. |